winter skin
My New Year's resolution is to stop neglecting this blog. I thought the month long break between Fall and Spring semesters would give me plenty of time to relax and focus on things I enjoy. Boy was I wrong. My "vacation" was work and barely any play. Once classes start up again next week, I should have much more time to spend doing things I enjoy - for example, ranting through this database of all things lipstick.
I have shed what was left of my summer skin and I'm ready for whatever twists and turns the next few months of Winter has in store. I hope you are, too.
Boston lights at 1am
Thank you, Crate &Barrel
Always a vase of fresh flowers
"Fly away little bird"
View from the stoop
Best friend & craft beer at Alchemy
Leaving the city at sunset
Late night drives to fill time
Sedona, AZ from a hot air balloon at sunrise (2010). Where I take myself when I need to clear my head
i love this! we need a proper winter. bring it on.