one year of lipstick

I started this blog one year ago today. So, happy birthday to my database of all things Lipstick.

The first post: "I have created this blog to share many things with you – thoughts, inspirations, and personal experiences. My life has been a constant, fast-paced journey, always leading me to the most unexpected places. I feel my experiences have given me a unique outlook on life that is too precious not to share with the world. So please, listen and enjoy! xo"

My outlook on life has stayed pretty much the same, but boy has life changed. Everything about each day is different from just one year ago. I wouldn't have it any other way. The lovely people in my life, the many places I've been, the moments.. the experiences.. wonderful.

Think of your life and what you were doing just one year ago. Now tell me that today is anything like what you thought the future would be. I bet it's completely different if not opposite. So much so, that you couldn't have made it up if you tried. That's why life is so precious. It's the one thing that you cannot control. Yet it's the one thing you cannot loose control of. Makes no sense, I know.

Lipstick Skinny is my attempt to show you that life is beautiful, interesting, and original – even when it doesn’t always appear to be. I try to use my own experiences to inspire you to appreciate your “average” lives, because really, no one is average. But who am I to tell you how you should look at life? Maybe I'm nobody to you. But even a nobody can reach out to a somebody. 

If you do give my sometimes pointless rants and pages of photographs a look, you might gain something. Or maybe you won't. But if you dare to listen, then I dare you: enjoy each day, appreciate the things you have, and most of all, love the people that make those days and those things that much better.

Can't believe it's been a year. As always, thank you for reading.
Chanel Rouge Coco, Talisman continues to be number one.



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