feet don't fail me now
January is confused. It can't seem to decide if it is Winter or Spring.
Boston kindly graced us with beautiful Spring-like weather all day yesterday and the evening prior. UNbelievable. Actually, after living in New England all of my life, I do believe the weather. One day it snows, while the next it rains. Temperatures climb from 20° to 52° and dive from 45° to 8°. You rarely know what kind of day you're going to experience. I sincerely appreciate those rare days of beaming sunlight and warm breezes. The Boston Public Garden already smells of Spring.
My days have been filled with work, class, sleep, friends, ballet, and more sleep. One of my best friends is back in Boston after moving home to FL for several months. I am so happy to have Asara back. You know when you meet someone, and you instantly click? That's what happened with this lovely lady. We've been friends for what feels like several years.
There are many things I plan to do and I would like to do within the next several months. One of those is to keep myself motivated. Another to make more time for writing. And also go ice skating.
I'm trying not to get ahead of myself. Winter still has a couple of long months left of brutal attempts to make our city lives miserable, but try to stay positive - optimism is the only thing that will get us through this uniquely indecisive season.
I don't know about you, but I adore Boston.
Lost my old copy. Love the smell of new books.
Antiquing with friends
Gin Blossoms at Lolita
Melting city
Morning walk
Snowy mornings are for sleeping until 2pm. Still not enough.
Sunset on Newbury
Beacon Hill flurries
sleeping until 2pm?!!!! i am so jealous. what i wouldn't give to sleep until 11! love your post. see you soon. xoxo