thank you for reading

I received a private message on facebook last week:

"Hi, As random, eclectic, or just simply odd this may sound, I've been reading your blog. I wanted to let you know that it is both beautiful and inspiring. I also live in Boston and it sheds a different light to how you see it, which is both exciting and enlightening. 
Stay happy 
Emily "

This lovely stranger named Emily is one perfect example of why I blog [I must mention how incredibly happy it made me feel - to know that what I'm doing is actually making a difference]. I believe that my seemingly pointless rants and posts of personal interests and everyday inspiration actually does have a point. I want to inspire you - to make you feel that everyday IS important and that Boston, or where ever you live, really IS a wonderful place. Life is exciting and everyday routine may seem boring to you - but it is interesting to me.

I heard this once and never forgot it: 
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. 
Make it a great one. Go out - love each day you live and appreciate your surroundings.

Thank you for reading. 


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